Saturday, April 12, 2008


A herd of buffaloes stroll in our colony every morning and spend the afternoon lounging in the colony’s polluted, sans-water hyacinth-wetland. Apart from strolling and getting into a sudden rage, these buffaloes also respond to nature’s call. Nature happens to call to these black beauties only before our gate. The result- a smooth road of dung, overlaid with fresh green heaps!

I really fail to understand why this happens right in front of our house. Really, it’s puzzling, but not unfortunate! Our thriving banana saplings, coconut and guava trees are sinking their roots into this fresh mixture, thanks to Amma’s enthusiasm.

No more dung for us now. The impartial buffaloes now look at the coconut trees across our street……….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Enjoyed this funny post!
