Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Cloud of Inspiration

I'm quite taken aback that I silently watched my blog float away into oblivion. It will be defunct no longer and I'm now here to stay! The good thing is I never stopped writing; Now I'm ready to share a part of my everyday contemplations however bizarre the idea may be! Here's to a new beginning!

A note to Amma: " As the February showers sweetly dominate the expected sunshine, I'm finally listening to you and writing my experiences! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them, I hope it gives you something to think, laugh and smile about wherever life takes us all."

A note to Appa: "As you read The Hindu, with the rain dampening hopes of a possible political agitation a few kilometers away, I hope you will be able to overlook my excessive punctuation, which is not as much as it once was, and enjoy my ramblings!"


Giti said...

Glad you're back!

Ritu Gopal said...

So sweet! Me too! :)