Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Where's My Project?


For this possible feeling of being offended, I only blame the manner in which the system carves a certain portion of the human mind and psyche so that it adapts, succumbs, without opposition, to the only way an over-populated world seems to be able to run. Don't look at me, I'm afflicted too. But hey, there is a part of me that does not like us students being taught how to be Unknown Citizens, a cog in a wheel, a mere number, and being taught how to accept the ways of the world. This is why I love George Bernard Shaw. He was so cool when he said in Man and Superman- "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
Few are those who teach and encourage us to think and do differently no matter how noisy the cries of the crowd may be. True, we are but a speck in this expanding universe, but the miniscule difference we bring shapes the growth of the world and the universe, and contributes to the evolution of the infinite.

We've all (most of us, including me) have been through school, college and all the ups and downs of the education system. We've been given those assignments that most-often actually test our compilation skills! But yes, we do all the research, gather necessary information, then hunt for pictures, and finally spend hours, days and weeks in putting them all together. Don't we all swell with pride, joy and exultation as we show off our creation at home, in class, and finally to the teacher who says, "Wow, very good!" Result? 10/10, 9/10......6/10, 2/10, etc. It isn't the marks that matter. No matter which number column you fit in, what you finally get for your hard work is MARKS and SATISFACTION- IN THAT ORDER. It's normal to feel the way you're expected to feel. Fortunately, there are those kindred spirits who make us feel happy from the depths of our hearts and my heart goes out to them for their support and appreciation.

But what happens when you find out where exactly your project has disappeared?
Into a cupboard, somewhere at the back? Understandable. The teacher has a lot of people to deal with. A store room? Bearable.
To the raddhiwala/scrap paper dealer? You have no other choice. Recycling is important and we value paper because we all love and need trees.
But what happens when someone gets a cut-out of a friend's project under that friend's nose, whatever purpose the 'recycled circular' may serve? It hurts.
I believe in concealing the sundry ways of recycling student material so that the student can lead a motivated life as long as he is where he has to be.

With love to all <3 ,
A girl who goes to the ends of the earth to shed off specks of being An Unknown Citizen. W.H. Auden, you are known to this day :)

Note added on 4th March, 2011: Please see "Here's My Project"!!!

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